
Friday, April 9, 2010

Looks like tomorrow is pink day!

Looks like there is a spirit comitee for all types of days for your medoll, Tomorrow April 10th is pink day, April 11th is hack day, and ETC. i cant wait for DRUNK DAY!! WOOOh.
But yea

Thursday, April 8, 2010

You are loved Saz

Lol. Look like you are loved Saz. You wrote a really nice blog and everyone is flatterd. Even thoough i wasn't in was still ah-mazing and so are you.

Award or most organized makeup!

Just look at how organized she is. Do you have all the 'DOREE' please contact us and tell us. We want to know because we think thats amazing you have inspired me and KAI_KUTIE t organize ours like that.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


This is coverirl. She has style and she's got class. We didn't pick you for anything verjuwl. You are really amazing and we are happy we picked you. We made a great Person covergirl you will be covergirl for a month.

Storys in FC

In FC there is a ton of stories love horror fantasy each with some sort of age limit. The authors are great! I've read a few on really slow days on stardoll. Some with 1000+ post 89 pages or so. They are like books that are free. That is another way that FC entertains people. Many good authors are on FC young authors at that.

Most of the post are long and HALF of the post are" MORE!" Simply because everyone wants to read more. The authors know how to leave ya hangin.
So another thing to love about FC.



FC love yearbook.

Ohkaay. So we have the yearbook. its only a few FC'ers but we have it. So check it out.
[Click to enlare]

Top 4 UNIQUE medolls out of a topic I made. Not every UNIQUE medoll is there but some .

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Fashion In FC

As you know FC is a Fashion Club but one of the main topics is definatly NOT fashion. But that doesn't mean FC has horrible dressers actually the best. FC actually is one of the BEST dressed clubs out there. With its unique makeup designs to finding matching clothes through tons of clothing.
Phases go in and out of FC but never are truly forgotten. Some can match Leopard with red leather and no one says anything. It is funky! Red hair,white hair, blue hair, and even rainbow. FCers are extremely creative and make NERD days and Fashion competitions regularly.
Everyone goes to FC for fashion ideas and the club is a great influence. People often ask for tinypic makeovers and the NOOBS really need them. They come in as NOOBS but come out as KICK ASS SEXY MAMAS.
So if you need some ideas for the new look you plan on creating remember to try to ask some of your fellow FCers for help!

Best Presentation

LittleTokyo has the best presentation so far. Its amazing. And she's lovely so LittleTokyo keep up the presentation work.


LittleTokyo says,"
I like the people, even though I've been back for a day.
I know some of them, and the rest seem pretty nice.
Basically, everybody sticks up for the club and its members,
which shows that they care."



alexz7 says,"The Fact that everyone can get along and stay together as a team.
eg; we dont go and be on fashionista then come back..
(: xx"

By-Nail Polish


Name: Jael AKA Pingii_Lover
Jael said,''The nice things about fc that u like: I love everything about FC! The members are amazing. The medolls are stunners. I can't imagine Stardoll without FC."

This lovely FCer came at 12:40am and gave us an interview about what she an ordinary FCer thinks of FC.


Fashion Diva!

Ohkaaynow see this is My friend Appletremel. By the way its wardrobee here again. And we are showing Massive love to Apple. We love you so much. And all the fxxcking haters can kiss your ass!. Right Because if they are hating on you. They are noobs. By the way i love that hair girl. Its goreous.
Hey wardrobee here.Looks like we found out who the bloggers are. Uh oh these fellow FC'ers needs a life. They wrote about me and i was so mad. It was very rude and disrespectful. Love is suppose to be shown with fc and this Blog.

The Love In FC

Okay so this is KAI_KUTIE blogging for FC with love because I am a FCer and I can personally say the most things that I do on stardoll are
1.get on FC
2.Edit my Medoll
3.Change my outfit.
In that order. FC and the people in it are 50% of my STARDOLL life.
The people in FC are generally nice except for the people who are in other clubs trying to destroy FC but the true FCers like I and others defend FC.
Okay so this brings us to the LOVE in FC.
The real people in FC pay attention and don't just throw themselves only at a select set of people but throw themselves at the club itself.
FC helps hundreds of people on STARDOLL everyday with the compassionate people in it and now we shall give some examples.
Chocolate Bunny

ONLY A FEW but just contact me or someone else who has contributed to the blog and maybe if you give us an example that you can back up then you may make the list.
-FC With Love